Recent Reviews for

New Home Hampers

Why choose us?

At Hampergifts, we’re all about family and home. As a family-run business, celebrating milestones with care and attention to detail is a must. That’s why we still hand-finish all our new home hampers and have done since 2005. From the Pittas family to theirs, congratulations on securing a first home, dream home, family home, retirement home and everything in between. When you give one of our new home hampers, you’re giving a luxury product that’s hand-selected to tick all their boxes, delivered via secure tracking nationwide and shipped in reusable packaging that’s better for our planet.

When to gift a new home hamper

The best time to give a new home hamper is right after they’ve moved in. That’s because unpacking can take days and having some treats, snacks and beverages to hand on day one or two after the removalists do their job is so welcome. It puts doing a weekly shop a little lower on their list if they’ve got some incredible picky bits and a bottle of vino or two to enjoy while they unwind from moving.

New home gift ideas

In addition to a housewarming gift hamper, you might consider thoughtful new home gift ideas like an online supermarket gift card to help them restock their cupboards or even a voucher for a local takeaway or restaurant so they don’t have to cook at all in their first week. Moving is one of the more stressful things we do in our lives and; even though getting a house is exciting, that doesn’t diminish the impact and upheaval it can have in the day-to-day. Anything you can do to smooth that transition is sure to be appreciated.

Picking the right housewarming gift hamper

The science of how we balance our flavours is one of the reasons why people love to order Hampergifts’ housewarming gift hamper selections. But picking the right one for your recipient is quick and simple. You just need to know what they like. Will they want to pop a cork to celebrate or would a hot beverage be more appreciated? Do they love cheese and pate or more sweet goods like muffins and flapjacks? Perhaps food isn’t their style and you want to give them an indulgent night in with the Luxury Pamper Hamper with Cava. It includes a mini Freixenet Brut to enjoy in the bath with the Raisin & Hazelnut Biscuits and a lit Pomegranate Soy Candle. There’s also a Sisal Exfoliating Back Scrub, a Japanese Konjac Sponge, a Wild Peony Bath Fizzer and three lavender bath products to complete the relaxing experience. What a great way for them to work out all those moving day aches and kinks ...

Getting it there next-day

Best of all, when you order new home hampers from our website before lunch, we can usually deliver them the next day. So you only need to know that your recipient has moved and you can get one of our new home hampers to them as early as tomorrow. It will be delivered by tracked courier so they’re sure to receive it, even if they haven’t updated their address on everything yet.